Reviewed by Brett Green
Contents and Media: 272 parts in grey injection moulded styrene; 16 parts in clear; 19 pieces in brass plated photo-etch; four resin parts (seated pilot figure); markings for three aircraft plus a bonus.
Advantages: Multi-part canopy may be posed open or closed; well detailed; a number of optional parts including weapons and canopy styles; hollowed out guns and exhausts; includes full engine detail (if you like that kind of thing); high quality seated pilot figure; no inserts; decals feature good colour and register; 1/35 scale will permit crossover with many military vehicle and figure subjects.
Disadvantages: Very heavy recessed surface textures on engine cowls and overdone elsewhere, partcularly the fuselage and upper wings; gimmicky aspects such as the hinged control surfaces and lucky-dip pilot and accessory choices; moulded-on compressor bulge limits the variants that can be built (to Erla production); rudder profile not quite right; decals have a flat finish.
Border Model's 1/35 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 is the classic Curate's Egg - it is good in parts.
The heavy surface textures really jump out of you as soon as you open the box. The mad riveter has been at work here, especially on the upper engine cowlings and the fuselage.
Detail is pretty good though, and if you are the type of modeller who likes full engine detail then you are going to love this one.
I am a bit mystified by the lucky-dip inclusions of the resin pilot figure, additional marking option and accessory, making this more like a $100 Kinder Surprise. I'm not sure how welcome or useful these random allocations are to experienced modellers, who would probably prefer to make the choice themselves.